Senin, 09 November 2009


Contoh explanation text/example of explanation text

A. Tsunami

The term of “tsunami” comes from the Japanese which means harbour ("tsu") and wave ("nami"). A tsunami is a series of waves generated when water in a lake or a sea is rapidly displaced on a massive scale.

A tsunami can be generated when the sea floor abruptly deforms and vertically displaces the overlying water. Such large vertical movements of the earth's crust can occur at plate boundaries.

Subduction of earthquakes are particularly effective in generating tsunami, and occur where denser oceanic plates slip under continental plates. As the displaced water mass moves under the influence of gravity to regain its equilibrium, it radiates across the ocean like ripples on a pond.

Tsunami always bring great damage. Most of the damage is caused by the huge mass of water behind the initial wave front, as the height of the sea keeps rising fast and floods powerfully into the coastal area.
(simplified from

B. Respiration

Every human needs the air that contains oxygen for breathing. Without it, we won’t life and we can’t do our daily activity. But, have you ever thought about the process of respiration?

First, the air enters through our nose. In the nose, it will be warmed by mucus membrane and it also will be cleaned by the soft hairs in the nose. After that, it flows through the throat, larinks, and trachea. And if there’s a strange thing which is brought by the air, it will be refused by a web which is located in trachea. Then, the air flows throught a branch of broncus called bronchiolus. The last, it enters into abranch of bronchiolus called Alveolus. Alveolus is collection of collection of the lung’s buble an it’s a place were the cange between oxygen and carbon dioxide happens.

That’s the process of respiration that we do all the the time because we are the living creature.

C. The Effects of Acid Soil

Soils with a pH of less than 7.0 are acid. The lower the pH, the more acid the soil. When soil pH falls below 5.5, plant growth is affected. Crop yields decrease, reducing productivity.
Soils provide water and nutrients for plant growth and development. Essential plant nutrients include phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and sulfur. Plants require other elements such as molybdenum, in smaller quantities. Some elements eg aluminium and manganese, are toxic to plants.
Nutrients become available to plants when they are dissolved in water. Plants are able to take up phosphate, nitrate, potassium and sulfate ions in solution.
The solubility of nitients changes with pH. In acid soils (low pH), molybdenum becomes less soluble and aluminium becomes more soluble. Therefore, plant growth may be affected by either a deficiency of molybdenum or too much aluminium.
Both crop and pasture plants are affected by acid soils. there may be a range of symptoms. Crops and pastures may be poorly established resulting in patchy and uneven growth. Plant leaves may go yellow and die at the tips. The root system of the plant may be stunted. Crops may yield less.
Plants vary in their sensitivity to low pH. Canola and lucerne are very sensitive to acid soils so do not grow well. Lupins and triticale are tolerant to soils of low pH so they still perform well.
Land can become unproductive if acid soil is left untreated. Incorporating lime into the soil raises the pH. Therefore, liming soil can reverse the effects of acid soil on plants and return a paddock to productivity.

D. How Roman Roads were Built

The system of roads for mobility has been begun early decades. It was started since the Roman Empire conquered the world. The roads in Roman era were known as the best construction.
The Romans built roads are for the purpose of mobility, especially for the army. Having the best road, the army could march from one place to another. They built the roads as straight as possible, so that the army could take the shortest route.
It is interesting to know how the roads were built, which some of them are still in use today. First, the Romans builders would clear the ground of rocks and trees. Then they dug a trench where the road was to go and filled it with big stones. Next, they put in big stones, pebbles, cement and sand which they packed down to make a firm base. After that, they added another layer of cement mixed with broken tiles. On top of that rough construction, then they put paving stones to make the flat surface. These stones were cut so that they fitted together tightly. As the finishing touch, kerb stones were put at each sides of the road to hold in the paving stones. It was also used to make a channel for the water to run away.
(Partly taken from:


Biogeochemistry is the exchange or change which always happen between living thing and died biosphere component. Biogeochemistry cycle is water recycle and the chemistry elements that involve the living thing and the rocks.
In an ecosystem, the matters in each tropic level are not passing away. The matter as organic composition will be recycling. Those elements enter into biotic component through the air, soil and the water. Matters recycle which involve the living thing and rocks, so that called biogeochemistry cycle.
All in this earth arranges by matter. This matter arranges up to chemistry elements, such as Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen and Phosphor. Those elements are uses by producer for forming organic material with helping by sun or chemistry reaction.
The organic result matter is the energy resources for organism. Eat process and eaten in the food chain have consequence in the matter flow from one link to other link. Although the creature in the chain died, the flows will continues. The die creature will be decomposes by the decomposers which enter to next food chain. That happened continually, so that forms an energy flow and the matter cycle. (holbleurashter in mind)

1. phenomenon identification (biasanya ada di paragraf 1)
2. explanation sequence (Semua kalimat/paragraf selain phenomenon identification)

1. Simple present tense
2. Passive voice
3. Conjuctions of time and cause
4. Noun groups
5. Complex sentences


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